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Nicole Stamant

Nicole Stamant

Associate Professor of English

Phone: 404.471.6062
Office Location: Buttrick 216

Academic Degrees

  • B.A., Sweet Briar College
  • M.A., Texas A & M University
  • Ph.D., Texas A & M University


  • Graduate Certificate in Women's and Gender Studies, Texas A & M University

Teaching and Scholarly Interests

American studies, life writing studies, ethnic American literature, gender and sexual minority/queer studies, critical theory, disability studies, hospitality studies, and graphic narrative

Professional Activities

Dr. Stamant’s work takes as its primary focus historically marginalized populations and historically marginalized forms of literature: Life Writing Studies, ethnic American literatures, and the literatures of gender and sexual minorities. She is the author of Memoirs of Race, Color, and Belonging (Routledge 2022) and Serial Memoir: Archiving American Lives (Palgrave 2014), and has recently contributed to the edited collections Consumption and the Literary Cookbook (2020),  American Literature in Transition: 1970-1980 (2018) and The Postcolonial Subject in Transit: Migration, Borders, and Subjectivity in African Diaspora Literature (2018).  Her journal articles  have appeared in ARIEL, MELUS, a/b: Auto/Biography, South Central Review, English Language Notes, and Studies in Comics among others. In 2018, she received Agnes Scott's Vulcan Materials Company Teaching Excellence Award.

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